
Head of Institute |
Prof. Wilfried Eichlseder |
Address |
A-8700 Leoben, Franz-Josef-Straße 18 |
Building |
Hauptgebäude, Trakt II, 1. Obergeschoß
Tel |
03842/402-1401 |
Fax |
03842/402-1402 |
E-Mail |
amb@unileoben.ac.at |
Web |
http://www.unileoben.ac.at/~maschbau/ |
Secretary |
'Mo-Fr 8:00-12:00' |
Library |
'Mo-Fr 8:00-12:00' |
This department offers compulsory education in the following fields of study:
- G033208 Natural Resources, bachelor programme
- G033212 Industrial Environmental Protection, Disposal Techniques and Recycling, bachelor programme
- G033214 Industrials Logistics, bachelor programme
- G033220 Plastic Engineering, bachelor programme
- G033224 Metallurgy, bachelor programme
- G033241 Petroleum Engineering, bachelor programme
- G066412 Industrial Environmental Protection, Disposal Techniques and Recycling, master programme
- G066424 Metallurgy, master programme
- G087 Doctoral programme in Mining Sciences
- G950 Diploma programme: Mechanical Engineering - Mining
- G970 Diploma programme: Materials Science
Building Plan

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