G011 Department of General, Analytical and Physical Chemistry - Chair General and Analytical Chemistry
- G012 Department General, Analytical and Physical Chemistry - Physical Chemistry
- G020 Department of Mineral Processing
- G030 Christian-Doppler-Laboratory for Applied Computational Thermofluiddynamics (Department of Petroleum Engineering)
G031 Department of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics
- G034 Department Mineral Resources and Petroleum Engineering - Chair of Subsurface Engineering
- G040 Department of Chemistry of Polymeric Materials
G050 Institute of Electrical Engineering
G061 Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysik
- G062 Department of Applied Geophysics - Joanneum Research
- G063 Department of Mineralogy and Petrology
- G064 Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics- Prospection and Applied Sedimentology
G065 Chair of System Analysis & Environmental Engineering
- G070 Chair of Ceramics
G080 Department of Metallurgy - Casting Research
- G090 Department for Designing Plastics and Composite Materials
- G100 Department of Plastics Processing
G110 Department of Petroleum Engineering
- G121 Department of Applied Geometry
- G122 Department of Applied Mathematics
- G123 Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- G124 Informationstechnologie
- G130 Institute for Mechanics
- G140 Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Testing
- G161 Department of Ferrous Metallurgy - Metallurgy
G162 Chair for Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes
- G163 Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy
G170 Institute for Sustainable Waste Management and Technology
G180 Institute of Physics
G191 Department Product Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
G192 Institute for Automation
G193 Chair for Conveying Technology and Design Methods
- G194 Chair of Metal Forming
- G200 Department of Structural- and Functional Ceramics
G210 Department of Process Engineering and Environmental Protection
- G220 Institute of Materials Science and Testing of Plastics
- G231 Institut of Economic and Business Administration
- G232 Industrielogistik
- G430 Department of Material Sciences