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Studium Equine Science, bachelor programme Studieren an der University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Österreich I602 Equine Science, bachelor programme - University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

weitere Standorte
BOKU Wien VetMed Wien

Statistics and contact
Aim and content of the study
Entry requirements
Structure of the study program
Further information
Qualification Profil
Occupational image and prospects
International & Practical Training
Top Employer
Top Jobs for Graduates
International & Practical Training
In the first year of studies a four-week practical has to be carried out in a establishment keeping
horses, with a total extent of 160 hours (4 ECTS).
After finishing the 4th semester, the following practicals are obligatory:
4 weeks equine sports (160 hours)
4 weeks horse breeding (160 hours)
4 weeks marketing/sales (160 hours)
Total 480 hours 15 ECTS-points

Tipp: Suche nach Graduate Program Equine Science, bachelor programme an allen UNIs und FHs in Austria

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