
Head of Institute |
a. Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Mader |
Address |
A-5020 Salzburg, Churfürststraße 1 |
Building |
Toskanatrakt, Hauptgebäude, 1. Stock, auch im 2. u. 3. Stock
Tel |
0662-8044-3060 |
other Tel |
0662-8044-3070 |
Fax |
0662/8044-130 |
E-Mail |
eva.reintsch@sbg.ac.at |
Web |
http://www.sbg.ac.at/oep/ |
Secretary |
'8-16 Uhr (Freitag 8-15 Uhr)' |
This department offers compulsory education in the following fields of study:
Building Plan

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