UNI Wegweiser - Studium und Top Jobs in Österreich
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MitmachVideos und OnlineTrainings zeigen wie's geht.
Komm, mach mit! www.hrv--training.at/corona_immun_kraft_training/


Institute for Drama and Drama Direction (Max Reinhardt Seminar) University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna Österreich

T0014 Institute for Drama and Drama Direction (Max Reinhardt Seminar)

Head of Institute Univ.-Prof. Hubertus Petroll
Address A-1140 Wien, Penzingerstraße 9
Building Palais Cumberland
Tel +43 1 711 55-28 01
other Tel +43 1 711 55-28 02
Fax +43 1 711 55-28 99
E-Mail mrs@mdw.ac.at
Web http://www.maxreinhardtseminar.at
Secretary 'MO-DO: 9.00 bis 16.00, FR: 9.00 bis 11.00 Uhr'
Library 'nach Vereinbarung'
This department offers compulsory education in the following fields of study: