
Head of Institute |
O.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gerlind Weber |
Address |
A-1190 Wien, Peter Jordan-Straße 82 |
Building |
Wilhelm-Exner-Haus, links, Dachgeschoß
Tel |
01/47654-5350 |
Fax |
01/47654-5353 |
E-Mail |
irub@boku.ac.at |
Web |
http://www.rali.boku.ac.at/irub.html |
Secretary |
Mo, Tue, Thu, Fr 10-12, Wed 14-16.30 |
Library |
Mo 10-12, Thu 14-16 |
This department offers compulsory education in the following fields of study:
Building Plan

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