Head of Institute |
Univ. Prof. DI Lilli Licka |
Address |
A-1180 Wien, Peter Jordan-Straße 65 |
Building |
Oskar Simony-Haus, 2. Stock, Simony-Haus, Tür 10
Postal address |
1180-Wien Peter-Jordan-Straße 65 |
Tel |
01/47654-7220 |
Fax |
01/47654-7229 |
E-Mail |
office.ila@boku.ac.at |
Web |
http://www.rali.boku.ac.at/426.html |
Secretary |
Mo, Tu, Fr from 9 to 11 am, Th from 2 pm. to 3:30 pm, We. no office hours |
Library |
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr von 9 bis 12 Uhr and We from 1 pm to 5 pm |
This department offers compulsory education in the following fields of study:
Building Plan
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