
Head of Institute |
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Stefan Vogel |
Address |
A-1180 Wien, Feistmantelstraße 4 |
Building |
Guttenberg-Haus, Dachgeschoß
Tel |
++43-1-47654 3670 |
other Tel |
++43-1-47654 3660 |
Fax |
++43-1-47654 3692 |
E-Mail |
Eva.Krickler@boku.ac.at |
Web |
http://www.wiso.boku.ac.at/454.html |
Secretary |
Mo - Fr. 9 - 12 a. m., Mo and We 1 - 3.30 p.m. |
This department offers compulsory education in the following fields of study:
- H033217 Food Science and Biotechnology, bachelor programme
- H033225 Forestry, bachelor programme
- H033226 Wood and Fibre Technology, bachelor programme
- H033227 Management of Environment and Bio Resources, bachelor programme
- H033231 Environmental Engineering, bachelor programme
- H033255 Agro Sciences, bachelor programme
- H033298 Viniculture, Oenology and Wine Marketing, bachelor programme
- H033602 Equine Sciences, bachelor programme
- H066416 Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering, master programme
- H066417 Food Science and Biotechnology, master programme
- H066418 Biotechnology, master programme
- H066426 Wood Technology and Management, master programme
- H066427 Management of Environment and Bio Resources, master programme
- H066457 Agricultural and Food Economics, master programme
Building Plan

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